October member meeting at Falls Taphouse Thursday featuring: The Duck

Klamath Film member meetings return to in-person at outdoor beer garden The Falls Taphouse on Thursday, Oct. 7 from 6-8 p.m.

Event Details:

WHAT: Klamath Film October member meeting
WHERE: The Falls Taphouse (2215 Shallock Ave., Klamath Falls)
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 7, 6-8 p.m.
COST: Free. BBQ and Mexican food trucks and beer available. Meeting also available on Zoom
Login at https://zoom.us/j/93821083996?pwd=d3QvMUpaaWhQeU5WVk5qUFlGNEd6dz09

FACEBOOK INVITE: https://fb.me/e/IYwWEPfD

Klamath Film’s October member meeting will again be in-person at the Falls Taphouse – a new outdoor beer garden and BBQ/Mexican food venue near the Oregon Tech campus. 2215 Shallock Ave. The meeting is free and open to the public. The meeting is also offered simultaneously online now via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/93821083996?pwd=d3QvMUpaaWhQeU5WVk5qUFlGNEd6dz09

Join us on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. to network with other filmmakers, actors and film fans in Southern Oregon, hear about upcoming film production and work opportunities, and meet our featured guest.

October Featured Guest: Mikey Navarro 

Mikey Navarro is a University of Oregon graduate who gained notoriety in his role as the Oregon Duck for many years — if the Duck was playing drums, dancing, or appearing on TV chances are it was Mikey in the costume. While he still occasionally dons the Duck head, Mikey has made a name for himself in the Bay Area as a musician, actor, go-to mascot for any occasion, motion capture actor, and online content creator and social media manager for numerous organizations including extensive work with Bleacher Report and clients such as Nike, Rolling Stone, Nickelodeon, Sales Force, and Russell Athletic.

Mikey was prominently featured in the 2016 Netflix film “Mascots” – supervising mascots on set and acting in multiple mascot roles.

Most recently, Mikey co-authored a children’s book (now available on Amazon) titled “A Duck From Oregon Tries to Fly.”

To join the meeting online:
Topic: Klamath Film member meeting
Time: Oct. 7, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Klamath Film member meeting
Time: Oct. 7, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the First Thu, 8 occurrence(s)
Sep 2, 2021 06:00 PM

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