July member meeting doubles up with two featured guests: video game writer/producer Dominic Cianciolo, screenwriter Heather Ash
Mortal Kombat video game voice-over director and writer Dominic Cianciolo, Hollywood screenwriter Heather Ash both join Klamath Film for its July member meeting on Thursday, July 7 at 6 p.m. Event Details:WHAT: Klamath Film June member meetingWHERE: Retro Room Records, 3255 Washburn Way #7, Klamath Falls, & online via ZoomWHEN: Thursday, July 7, 6-8 p.m.COST: Free. Login at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93821083996?pwd=d3QvMUpaaWhQeU5WVk5qUFlGNEd6dz09----- FACEBOOK INVITE: https://fb.me/e/25Hwo4uUj Klamath Film's July member meeting returns to in-person get-togethers and will again also be online via Zoom. The meeting is free and open to the public. The meeting is also offered simultaneously online now via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/93821083996?pwd=d3QvMUpaaWhQeU5WVk5qUFlGNEd6dz09 Join us on Thursday,…