Oscar nominated Short Films program returns April 17
Animated / live action films to be screened at Ross Ragland Theater, documentary series available on-demand IF YOU GO:WHAT: Klamath Film presents 2021 Oscar Nominated Short FilmsWHEN: Saturday, April 17, 6 p.m.WHERE: Ross Ragland Theater, 218 N. 7th St.COST: $15, or $10 with an active Klamath Film membership. Tickets through Ross Ragland at www.rrtheater.orgONLINE: On-demand programs of the three categories (animated, live action, documentary) are available for $12 each, or $30 for all three. Visit https://klamathfilmoscars.eventive.org/welcome for ticket options The 93rd annual Academy Awards take place on Sunday, April 25, but YOU can see all of the nominated short films…